Lobangclub is an Apple app that has just been mentioned in the newspapers because they were comparing prices of cigerettes in Singapore. HSA did not like that.
Lobangclub comes from the Malay term “lobang” which means “tips”, is an app that allows users to scan a barcode and compare its prices with other local merchants. Lobangclub is currently incubated at the Innovation Centre of Nanyang Technological Univeristy (NTU) and was launched a few weeks ago
How it works:
Choose a product, scan the barcode, compare prices with other local stores around you, decide where you want to purchase your item. As simple as that. The app also allows you to follow your friends and see their activities. The focus of Lobangclub, unlike other deal or bargain sites, is entirely community based and focuses on everyday prices for things that you buy.
Pros :
(1) It is power of the consumer and collectively strength of many. Similar to SummonsAuntie and such social media, it only works if a lot of people get on board.
(2) It breaks down the walls of mis-information and advertising perceptions.
(3) It is a locally based and Singapore focus app.
(4) The bar code scanner is pretty quick and accurate.
Cons :
(1) This type of app is not new, there was one based in UK and another setup by Singtel which I liked, but was then limited only to Singtel customers
(2) Seems to have an limited number of choices for some products. Like when I searched rice, it gave me Want Want rice crackers instead.
(3) Repetition of some of the products, when I searched for beer, more than one entry for Tiger was inside.
(4) It kicked me out of the app when I was trying to enter the price of one of the products.